Monday, July 5, 2010

Nuance in the art of Kite Mapping

June 22nd, 2010

By Jeffrey Warren

Oil on Mississippi coastline

By Lauren Craig; reposted from the Louisiana Bucket Brigade blog.

Since May, volunteers and staff from the LABB have been working with students from MIT’s media lab on an aerial photography mapping project. The Gulf Oil Spill Mapping project is so simple that it baffles people: attach a basic camera to a kite or weather ballon and set it to automatically take a picture every 5, 10 or 20 seconds. Let the rig out 1000 feet and cover as much coastline as you can. The photos are then sent to some smart guys at MIT (including the project’s fearless leader, Jeff Warren) who then stitch the photos together pixel by pixel and georeference them to make a map.

The simplicity of this project is what initially sparked my interest in it. The kits are assembled from relatively inexpensive materials, and almost anyone can perform the basic tasks of attaching the camera and letting out the kite or balloon. Since its inception, the project has successfully accumulated a lot of quality data. However, mapping the gulf coast oil spill is different than mapping, say, the festival grounds at Bonneroo.

Early in a flight

The first, most obvious challenge is access. At Grand Isle, for example, the beaches remain open to the public, but only up to the water berm, about 30 feet back from the high tide mark. Even under low-wind conditions, it is almost impossible to get pictures of the coastline from this distance–especially when the Coast Guard and mysterious private security teams involved in the beach clean-up are breathing down your neck. When it is windy, the kite or balloon is carried even farther back from the coastline, and you end up with a bunch of pictures of people’s camp roofs. The old standby for us there has been the pier at Grand Isle State Park, which allows us to position the kite or balloon directly over the coastline. However, it forces us to limit our mapping to a very narrow section of beach, since we are confined to the pier. In contrast, the Mississippi Coast remains open to the public and our brave volunteers have actually waded out into the water to properly position the camera over the coastline–with great results! (But, we don’t know how much longer the MS beaches will remain open.)

Isle Grand Terre, a barrier island off the eastern coast of Grand Isle, hit the mainstream media a few weeks ago when its shores and wildlife were covered with thick, black oil. The day after oil hit, our volunteers were able to hitch a ride on a boat with researcher Adam Griffith from Western Carolina University and photographer Richard Shephard. The amazing results of that trip can be seen here:

Isle Grand Terre, Louisiana

However, access to the island has been significantly restricted since oil was found there. On Thursday, LABB volunteer Elizabeth, HandsOn New Orleans volunteer Erin, and I were lucky enough to score a boat ride with Greenpeace to Isle Grand Terre, along with a marine biologist and a filmmaker from California. Technically, Greenpeace warned us, we were not supposed to even go to the island. Getting on the beach there would require us to tow a small skiff boat and use it to ferry our group’s members to the beach. The prospects for toting a heavy helium tank on a boat with 8 people and then transitioning it to an 8-foot skiff boat with a 2-stroke engine seemed dim. I opted for the kite.

The boat ride from the Bridgeside Marina on Grand Isle to the fort at Grand Terre was slow. The entire bay is essentially a no-wake zone. In addition, there are larger oil-soaked fishing and shrimping boats constantly leaving and arriving at the docks of the Sand Dollar Marina at the eastern end of the island. Booms set up around Queen Bess island and large barges transporting tanker trucks present further navigational challenges. When we finally got to the island, we saw that the clean-up operations had been effective on the beach–the four-inch thick pools of oil were gone. But, thick, brown and orange oil remained trapped in the rock jetties and the marsh grasses surrounding them. Standing on the jetty, I looked down through the spaces in the rocks at pools of oil and brown frothy mess.

It is difficult to imagine how, or if, it can ever been cleaned up. When I set up the kite, I was disappointed to find that the wind was not strong enough to lift it up to 1000 feet. The more I let out the reel, the further from the coastline the kite ventured, with little rise in elevation. The results are that we captured plenty of pictures of the island’s interior, but only a few of the coastline (and these were at low elevation). My next option would have been to trail the kite behind the boat, but divergent interests among the boat’s passengers and the fuel level of the boat ruled out this scenario. All in all, the mapping trip was not the most successful one we have had so far. But, it also was not a total failure. Elizabeth obtained some excellent shots of the oil on Grand Terre, dolphins looking for food in shallow water and the clean-up operations, which can be viewed on the LABB flickr site.

We were also grateful to establish a relationship with Greenpeace. Having never worked with Greenpeace before, the organization’s reputation for in-your-face environmental activism made me a little wary of their intentions and tactics in the gulf. Although my personal sentiments toward off-shore drilling and the energy sector are closely aligned with theirs, I recognize the importance of petroleum to the economy and culture of coastal Louisiana; and I politely keep my opinions to myself here. A moratorium on off-shore drilling is not a popular idea in Louisiana–and Grand Isle is no exception. Further, I believe that using any disaster as a backdrop to bolster a political agenda is not only exploitative, it’s disrespectful. If you’re going to bother coming down to the gulf right now, you better have something to offer the people that live and work here–and anti-drilling rhetoric doesn’t count. Save it for Washington.

To Greenpeace’s credit, I was impressed with their staff’s efforts to keep a low profile and not isolate the community along political lines. The organization is funded entirely from private donations and does not endorse political candidates or accept funds from them. Their work in Grand Isle is focused specifically on providing boat transport to independent journalists, scientists and organizations who lack the funds to charter boats. Sure, they are also taking their own pictures as well. I am grateful for their services and appreciative of their respect for the sensitivity of the issue here.

The moral of this story: we can’t depend solely on the generosity of Greenpeace to get us where we need to go! Boats cost money; and mainstream media outlets have a lot more of it than we do–but they don’t have kites! If you are interested in our mapping project and would like to see more images of areas that are only accessible by boat, please visit our Grassroots Mapping page to make a donation!

Third Coast Kite and Hobby

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Buggy Newz - Pembrey Beach, South Wales

by Steve Walt Webb

The Parakart Association National Race Series 2010 continued with Round 3 being held on Pembrey beach, South Wales this weekend 15/16th May.

These results were unfortunately not available as I prepared this article, but the racing is really hotting up in the Masters group between Peter Lynn (Vapour) and PKD (Combat) !

Parakart Association Parakart Association Parakart Association

Ozone, Libre and Pansh have 3 fliers each, and a new kite, Cooper (Cooperkites) from the Netherlands, have 1.

As you can see in the Open Class that few racers are sponsored, and this may account for the decline in racers registered this year. From 21 in 2009 to only 12 this year. Racing is not cheap and even though racers from this group hope to impress and gain sponsorship to move into the Masters Group, money is tight!

Parakart Association Parakart Association Parakart Association

This year the balance of power has been broken by the newly re-invigorated Peter Lynn powerkite this case the Vapour!

Last year Ozone, PKD, Libre and Pansh all featured in the top 10 of the Masters Class but now they have more to race against!

In 2009 the Masters Class overall results where...

    1. Pete Swann - PKD.
      (running 2nd this year with PKD.)
    2. Andy Lavelle - Ozone.
      (Andy has switched to Peter Lynn and is currently 1st)
    3. Graham Steel - GIN.
      (switched back to Ozone, currently 12th)
    4. D.Trainor - PKD.
      (running 4th. PKD)
    5. T. Aggett - Libre.
      (running 9th. Libre)
    6. R. McGavin - PKD.
      (running 5th. PKD)
    7. G. Wass - Libre.
      (running 23rd. Libre)
    8. Simon Bailey - Pansh.
      (running 3rd switched to PKD)
    9. Mark Hoyland - PKD.
      (not racing this year)
    10. M Cook - Ozone.
      (running 10th. Ozone)

Interestingly M. Job is up from finishing 21st last year, to running 7th this year after switching from U-Turn to Peter Lynn.

And C. Barker is up from 18th last year to running 8th this year after switching from U-Turn to PKD.

Parakart Association Parakart Association Parakart Association

2010 is certainly set to be a very interesting racing year as a greater choice of kite / buggy combinations makes for more exciting racing. But the costs associated with the top end racing scene, along with the lure of the freedom of kitesurfing, have affected the numbers drawn to racing. The PKA has recently seen some increased interest so look out for the next set of results as the race is on!

Third Coast Kite and Hobby

Monday, May 31, 2010

Grassroots Mapping of the Gulf Oil Spill

The following is a description of this Grassroots project located on Kickstarter:

We are a group of citizens and activist mappers who are documenting the effects of the BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast with a set of novel DIY tools -- we send inexpensive cameras up in helium balloons and kites, and take aerial photos from up to 1500 ft. The data we're gathering will be vital in both the environmental assessment and response, as well as in the years of litigation following the spill. All the imagery we capture is released into the public domain and is free to use or redistribute.

We need support to keep a supply of helium, and to pay for gas, kites, cameras, and protective gear for our volunteers. We've already captured a great deal of amazing imagery which is available online:
Louisiana Bucket Brigade, our collaborators and the local HQ, are sending volunteers out to affected coastal sites almost daily, and conducting training sessions for new volunteers in New Orleans and elsewhere along the gulf coast. Our imagery is being published across the web - not just photographs, but stitched maps like these:

Our photography is of higher resolution and greater coverage than much of what the press has, and we're now coordinating a nationwide effort to stitch the imagery into map overlays, which are viewable in Google Earth and OpenLayers. Our images are up to 10,000x higher resolution that the daily satellite images posted by NASA!

Help us get out there and record some evidence!

Project location: New Orleans, LA

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Offshore Oil Vs. Offshore Wind: Who Wins?

This disaster is an obvious example of why "drill baby drill" was comically/tragically ignorant though a catchy slogan for some. Most people still believe that oil drilled in the U.S. is "domestic oil" destined for our consumption - so wrong...oil-biased conservatives consistently benefit from making simplistic arguments that are simply and intentionally meant to mislead and confuse.

What I fail to understand is why progressive leaders in Washington fail to connect the dots between where we are now and who brought us here. While avoiding laying blame on the likes of Bush/Cheney and their cheerleaders like Fox, Rush, and such seem more mature and sensible, Progressives miss catalyzing public opinion to move the clean energy agenda forward. Point fingers and name names, lest those fingers begin pointing (as they are beginning) at Democrats and progressives.

We support Michigan wind energy -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mapping and surveying with kites and balloons

With the Gulf Coast threatened by the BP oil spill environmental disaster, there have been non-profits as well as concerned citizens who are applying their expertise in monitoring and mitigating this catastrophe.

We found a very cool site where the students launch high-altitude balloons as well as towed kites outfitted with cameras to get aerial imagery of the shifting slick in the Gulf, helping to monitor its position.

This is a great example of how kiting technologies can be utilized for research, education, and environmental applications.

Check it out at:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Extreme Ocean Kiting

So I found this site about Anne Quemere - she's planning a solo Pacific crossing by kite! Outrageous and amazing! She has created a modified sea vessel, similar to other human powered ocean crafts, but this craft is not powered by oars or pedals, but by kite.

I think she has created a class of water craft that you may see more and more of, particularly in the tropical vacations spots around the world.

You can check out her site here:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Glacier National Park Loses Two More Glaciers

I snowboarded on Saint Mary's Glacier outside Denver back in 1991. I returned not but 3 years later at the same time of year, and I was truly shocked at how much the glacier had receded in that short time. - support wind energy!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, April 8, 2010

West Michigan Wind Farm Proposal Withdrawn

BP Alternative Energy is withdrawing its application for a proposed commercial wind farm in the Huron-Manistee National Forest along the Lake Michigan shoreline north of Ludington.

The special-use application submitted in 2008 by White Pines Wind Farm, a subsidiary of BP Alternative Energy, to the U.S. Forest Service called for construction of 20 to 28 wind turbines on the forest land north of Forest Trail in Mason County’s Grant Township. The 420-foot-tall turbines would have combined to produce up to 70 megawatts, enough to supply 20,000 homes.

According to a press release issued Wednesday by the U.S. Forest Service, BP Alternative Energy decided not to proceed with the proposed project as a result of the company’s review of recent wind resource data and developments in the market for wind-generated energy.

The proposed wind farm generated both positive and negative comments during public open houses in Ludington and Manistee in 2008. Supporters mentioned the expected need for alternative energy sources and opponents mainly voiced concerns over putting turbines in a national forest.

Proposed wind-energy developments have produced a region-wide conversation over recent months. Much of the debate has centered on Scandia Wind’s proposal for offshore wind farms in Lake Michigan off Grand Haven and Ludington.

Mason County seems to be an ideal location for prospective developers. In addition to the Scandia and BP proposals, Consumers Energy has proposed a 100-megawatt land-based wind farm in various locations in Mason County.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wind Turbine Webinar

NREL will host a 1 ½ hour webinar to discuss site assessment and micrositing issues for small wind turbines. Presented by Mick Sagrillo, the webinar will cover the basics, rules of thumb, tools of the trade, and what not to do.
The presentation will take about an hour followed by ½ hour for questions and answers.

Start Time: Thursday, Mar 4, 2010 11:30AM PACIFIC TIME
End Time: Thursday, Mar 4, 2010 1:00PM PACIFIC TIME


Attendee URL:
Meeting ID: HT2Z4N
Attendee Entry Code: W+m)\B!7F

Audio: 888-995-9709

Audio passcode: 4494844

Please contact Arielle if you have any questions

Arielle Wolfe
Administrative Assistant
National Wind Technology Center
1617 Cole Blvd. MS3811
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303-384-6925
Fax: 303-384-6999

Spread the Word: Clean Energy Means New Jobs for Our Generation

Green jobs are being created every day, and more and more states, municipalities, and individuals are getting on board. - we support Michigan's Green Energy Industries

The fact that youth and youth-culture embraces this movement is no surprise - Youth, by definition, don't have entrenched interest in the status-quo. They are interested in building their own future, and they recognize that the Green Movement is a means by which they can insure they have a future.

I am very happy that artists like Omarion are using their cultural reach to encourage environmental stewardship, because the urban blight that so many youth experience is a case in point of what happens when the environment is secondary to corporate profits...the money leaves, wreckage remains.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wind Turbine Webinar

The Great Lakes Regional Wind Energy Institute will be holding a webinar on the myths and facts surrounding wind turbines.


Thursday February 11th at 11am EST for a discussion of the myths and facts behind wind turbine syndrome and how scientific research is used to both support and deny the claims made.

Attendees will hear experts in sound impacts discuss:

  • The science of sound;
  • Overview of wind turbine syndrome;
  • Published research on sound impacts and how it is used to both support and deny claims of wind turbine syndrome;
  • How the “nocebo” effect plays a role (A nocebo response occurs when the suggestion of a negative effect of an action leads to an actual negative outcome)

Connection Instructions:

You will need an internet connection and a phone line to participate in this webinar. Simply copy the link below into your web browser to connect – you do not need to pre-register. In order to hear the audio, you will need to call into one of the phone numbers below.

Audio Access:

Toll Free: 877-951-7311

Toll: 203-607-0666

Participant Passcode: 9348502

Web Access:



Conference number: PW1627857

Audience passcode: 9348502

Questions or issues with connecting to the webinar? Please contact Sue Hinnen at NREL (

Questions or comments about the webinar topic, speakers, or the Great Lakes Regional Wind Energy Institute? Please contact Christina Mills at Windustry ( or visit

Third Coast Kite and Hobby - Go Green!