Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sweet Video of Tom Court

Found this awesome video of Tom Court by way of the main man mai. Nice production quality and just makes you want to ride!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kiteboard Pro World Tour 2009 - Dunkerque, France

I have attached reports from day 1-3 KPWT from Dunkerque, France. Check them out - wish you were there - enjoy!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wind Energy From Kites

when you've felt the power a kite generates in a slight to moderate breeze, it's not only a suprising sensation, but it's also tactile evidence that with a bit of clever engineering, there is a lot of energy right above our heads. Saul Griffith, an MIT engineering student and kiteboarder has taken the "a-ha" moment and applied his passion for kiteboarding and a bit of math to win a MacArthur Genius Award for his work in renewable energy concepts.

Read more about his work in National Geographic

Third Coast Kite and Hobby

Monday, August 3, 2009

Kiteboarding on the Columbia River

A pioneer in the Kiteboarding world - Bill Tai - recently posted a video of some sick kiteboarding on the Columbia River in Stevenson, WA. From the first years of the sport, Stevenson attracted kiteboarders with a daily dose of reliable steady winds, a wide river and good waves. Kiteboarding does not require the nukin’ winds. Strong, steady and daily works just fine. With a cool soundtrack and fx, check out the fun these guys and girls had over the 4th of July weekend!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Explore Wind Potential In Your Area

Living in Michigan, we are blessed with an abundance of natural resources. One of the new areas of resource development is the production of wind power. Because of our geography, we are able to benefit from ample amounts of wind. Whether you are flying kites, or are interested in the potential of generating renewable wind power on your property or development, I've found a several interesting sites that allow you to see wind maps of your area. - Free registration and personalized wind maps,1607,7-154-25676_25774-101765--,00.html - Good information resource and wind maps.

for more information visit